Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Meeting With Dr. Calhoun

I met with one of my professors today.  Dr. David Calhoun is the freshly retired professor of Church History at Covenant Seminary, but he is continuing to teach.  Last semester I took the elective "Christianity and Imagination" to him, and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  In fact, the class proved pivotal, helping me to decide what I want to do in the future.

I'm also taking Reformation and Modern Church History to Dr. Calhoun this summer, and I met with him after class today.  We'd been planning on that since the end of last semester, but this was the first chance we had to get together.  It was a good meeting.  His comments on my story were encouraging and his advice for me was helpful.  Beyond that, it was just nice to have a conversation with him.  He is one of the kindest men you could meet, and he understands what a writer needs to do in order to do good work.  I must say, I was a bit embarrassed by showing him some of the story's content.  It's not pornographic, nor does it have a Tarantino-like level of language and violence, but there is some cursing and a reference to a sexual situation.  Dr. Calhoun is a Flannery O'Connor fan, though, so he understands what it takes to craft a powerful story.  You have to deal with the warts of reality in a realistic way.

All in all, a good meeting.  He has encouraged me on my way toward pursuing an MFA, and he even said he saw that I had some talent.  Hopefully I can continue to develop said talent and write something that is worthwhile for both Christians and non-Christian.  He also advised me to continue to go to conferences and make contacts with people in the field.  It's nice when you get advised to do exactly what you wanted to do anyway . . .


Justin said...

You've struck quite the menacing pose in your new pic, my friend!

Just wanted to say I think you're a gutsy dude. I admire your willingness to follow where the Lord leads, even when it's not in the most conventional direction. You're a great encouragement to me.

P.S. Dr. Calhoun likes Flannery O'Connor, too???!!! I'm dropping Ref and Mod right now; I'll wait and get Lucas.

Anonymous said...

Pic: From Keith Green to Ming the Merciless.

Rex Queems (the phony)

Joshua Duncan said...

Regarding the picture: I always kinda thought my old profile pic looked like a tribute to someone who died. You know, the guy in the photo is smiling warmly, his face is bathed in sunlight . . . all that's missing is the "Josh Duncan 1978-2008" underneath. The Keith Green to Ming the Merciless comment is hilarious, btw.

Justin: thanks for your comment. And don't think that you'll escape us O'Connorites by switching to Lucas. He's a literary guy too. I'm not sure if he's an O'Connor fan, but you'd better check . . .

rick said...

I don't know you but I am a Dr. Calhoun fan via mp3 of his church history class on the internet. I'm looking for an email address for Dr. Calhoun. Can you help me find it. mine is Thanks very much and good luck with your writing.