When I was growing up in the Church there were some things I questioned, and some I didn't. For instance, I never questioned that the Church went apostate not too long after the death of the Apostles. We knew the early church looked pretty much like an independent Baptist church, but over time it picked up these awful calcifications called "traditions." If the leaders of the early church came forward in time they would be dismayed at all of the baggage the Church gathered over two millennia.
"If only," I thought, "we had some records from the era right after the Apostles. Then we could really prove what the early church thought."
I was assured, however, that early Christians were too busy running for their lives to write much. Christian lives were certainly under threat for large swaths of history, but to say that the Apostolic Fathers didn't write is pretty inaccurate. So, for my own sake and for the sake of those who were raised in a similar milieu, I worked up a chart. I'm not usually a chart kind of guy, but I think it captures the information succinctly.
Here's the takeaway. The Apostolic Fathers, who wrote in the generation following the Apostles, wrote plenty of works. The Apostles and those who wrote under their authority penned 27 books in 45 years (if you accept the late date for Revelation). The Apostolic Fathers wrote eight fewer books in four fewer years (if you push St. Polycarp's Letter to the Philippians to it's latest possible date. It may have been written as early as AD 110).
While the Apostolic Fathers did not write as much as the Apostles, we can still put the thesis that the early church didn't write much to bed. Please note that we no longer have full copies of several of the works I mentioned. The work of Quadratus of Athens, for example, and also the five books of St. Papias. We only have quotations from these.
One Step Beyond
Now I want to move one step beyond the previous argument. Since the Apostolic Fathers were writing actively, and since they had been taught by Apostles themselves, we need to take what they wrote quite seriously. This is no partial witness made up of men who don't represent the Church in its entirety. This is the witness of men who were directly instructed by men who were taught by Christ himself. Either they accurately represent what the Apostles were taught by Jesus, or the Apostles were the absolutely worthless as instructing their hand-picked disciples.
You might say, "These men were too influenced by Greek philosophy and/or other ideas floating around at the time. With modern scholarly techniques we are better able to return to what the Apostles meant to write than the Apostolic fathers."
I challenge this in two ways: First, St. Clement and St. Ignatius were writing in 95 and 107 respectively. By the end of that year St. Ignatius was dead. The Apostle St. John, who was St. Ignatius's spiritual father, had died a decade earlier. Is it really plausible to hold that St. Ignatius departed from St. John's teaching over the course of a decade? Would he not have treasured the instructions St. John gave him? Also consider the fact that St. Ignatius was sparring with Gnostics, who truly were influenced by Platonism.
My second challenge: It is precisely our modern mentality that prevents us from understanding the Scriptures properly. We are not Platonists, but we are nominalists. We are sons and daughters of the Enlightenment. In the ancient world words like "symbol" and "remember" carried richer meaning--meaning that brought past realities into the present in a real way. A symbol carried with it the thing it symbolized. Rememberance was an actual participation in a past event. This was true even of Ancient Israel in the Passover celebration.
If we as moderns miss this, then we will not be able to interpret Scripture properly. We will read the words and assume that the realities behind these words are only subjective cognitive associations. A symbol is nothing more than a stand in. A rememberance is merely an act of the mind. The Apostolic Fathers were much closer to the mind of the Apostles. We should accept their authority over and above modern methods of Biblical interpretation.
Wherever I Am
Confessions of a Seed-Picker
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Husbands/Dads, Do You Shepherd Your Families?
I loved this short article. I would really like to implement this sort of thing at home.
"How I Pastor My Family" by Justin Hyde
"How I Pastor My Family" by Justin Hyde
pastoral ministry
Thursday, November 11, 2010
So You Want to be Holy?
"Let no man think he makes any progress in holines, who walks not over the neck of his lusts."
--John Owen
The Mortification of Sin
Monday, September 06, 2010
The High Priests Have Spoken--Trade Your Geneva Gown for a Lab Coat
Stephen Hawking has recently declared that, based on his work in physics, God is not necessary to explain the origin of the universe.
“Because there is a law such as gravity,” writes Hawking in his new book, The Grand Design
, “the universe can and will create itself from nothing."
Christians have been quick to respond, of course (see The Solas Centre's response here), and I'm sure there will be many more articles to come in the future so I'll keep my response short.
Hawking says that, given gravity, the existence of the universe is inevitable. Now I need his help in completing this sentence:
"Given _______, the existence of gravity is inevitable."
“Because there is a law such as gravity,” writes Hawking in his new book, The Grand Design
Christians have been quick to respond, of course (see The Solas Centre's response here), and I'm sure there will be many more articles to come in the future so I'll keep my response short.
Hawking says that, given gravity, the existence of the universe is inevitable. Now I need his help in completing this sentence:
"Given _______, the existence of gravity is inevitable."
Stephen Hawking,
the new atheism,
Monday, August 30, 2010
Bono, Bonhoeffer, and Carl
"It would be tragic and a travesty of New Testament church life if, in spending so much time listening to everybody else out there, pastors ended up with no time on their schedule to listen to the voices of their own people."
I love Carl Trueman. Lately it seems like half the quotes that grab my attention are from him. If you're a pastor, I highly recommend the above-linked article. If you're not . . . read it anyway and forward the link to your pastor!
Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community
--Carl Trueman in "Life Together--or Maybe Not"
I love Carl Trueman. Lately it seems like half the quotes that grab my attention are from him. If you're a pastor, I highly recommend the above-linked article. If you're not . . . read it anyway and forward the link to your pastor!
Life Together: The Classic Exploration of Faith in Community
Carl Trueman,
pastoral ministry,
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
#651; Those Volatile Menu Options
I currently work at a hospital. A doctor, you ask? No, I'm a receptionist. And being a receptionist I spend a lot of time on the phone. It's startling how accurately Dave Malki captured my "on-the-phone" experience in today's Wondermark. Enjoy!
#651; Those Volatile Menu Options
#651; Those Volatile Menu Options
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Good Reading + Raising the Bar for Biblical Studies=the everlasting covenant
I met a lot of cool people in seminary, but one of the coolest was definitely Chris Morgan. We had a lot of fun getting to know him, his wife Michelle, and their kids while we lived in St. Louis. I was thrilled when I found out he started a blog because that meant I could regularly hear from a friend I miss.
As it turns out, Chris's blog--called the everlasting covenant--serves a two-fold purpose. First, it will allow Chris to share his learning with the rest of us, and believe me, Chris is a sharp and careful thinker. There's plenty to share.
Second, it will help Chris and Michelle prepare for their future. All that learning and careful thinking Chris did in seminary lead him to three different opportunities for PhD work in Biblical Studies. That's exciting, but Chris and Michelle are facing some financial hurdles. The blog, along with the rest of Chris's website, will serve as their on-line 'home base' for fundraising.
I know Chris will do excellent work as a Biblical scholar and I want him to be able to take advantage of the opportunities God has given him. We need evangelical voices in Biblical studies, so go to his website, find out more about him, and pray. Pray to see if God wants you to support Chris and Michelle, but most of all just pray that God will buoy the Morgans up during an uncertain time in their lives.
As it turns out, Chris's blog--called the everlasting covenant--serves a two-fold purpose. First, it will allow Chris to share his learning with the rest of us, and believe me, Chris is a sharp and careful thinker. There's plenty to share.
Second, it will help Chris and Michelle prepare for their future. All that learning and careful thinking Chris did in seminary lead him to three different opportunities for PhD work in Biblical Studies. That's exciting, but Chris and Michelle are facing some financial hurdles. The blog, along with the rest of Chris's website, will serve as their on-line 'home base' for fundraising.
I know Chris will do excellent work as a Biblical scholar and I want him to be able to take advantage of the opportunities God has given him. We need evangelical voices in Biblical studies, so go to his website, find out more about him, and pray. Pray to see if God wants you to support Chris and Michelle, but most of all just pray that God will buoy the Morgans up during an uncertain time in their lives.
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